Green Living 

Neighbourhood care

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course aims to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to become active citizens in their local community.

Learners will find out about

  • neighbourhood schemes
  • litter picking
  • fly tipping and waste removal

Upcycling and recycling

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course enables learners to explore the negative impact of landfills and waste disposal and explore creative and innovative ways to recycle and upcycle. 

Learners will

  • find out about landfills and waste disposal
  • learn about recycling and upcycling initiatives in their local community
  • develop ways to upcycle and recycle

All about energy

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course explores and investigates the topic of energy, its uses and how it impacts on the earth. 

Learners will find out about

  • forms of energy; benefits and dangers
  • climate change
  • saving energy

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement. At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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