International Certification of Digital Literacy (ICDL) - Level 3 Certificate
Course Aims
To gain the skills and experience of using common office IT Applications at an advanced level to meet the needs of employers. Employers are always on the lookout people with practical, work-ready skills who can add value to their business from day one. So, if you are thinking of a career in Office Administration, or are already there but would like to progress to the next stage, the ICDL Advanced could be the ideal training and accreditation for you. You’ll learn a wide range of essential IT skills to an advanced level which will make you stand out from the crowd and kick start your career.
Course Length
120 guided learning hours at 4 hours per week.
Who Is This Course For?
This course is designed for the competent and confident IT users. Candidates will have completed ICDL Level 2 (or equivalent) and have demonstrated the ability to study these subjects at a higher level. Candidates will have to prove suitability for the course by passing a demanding initial assessment.
Will I Gain Any Qualifications?
Yes - Successful candidates will receive a BCS Level 3 ICDL Flexiqual Certificate.
Do I Need Any Prior Knowledge, Skills Or Qualifications?
You will need at least Level 2 written English and have experience of and qualifications in IT at Level 2. If you have obtained any QCF IT qualifications in the last three years, it may be possible to get credit for those qualifications which may help you to complete quicker.
Course Content
By the end learners will be able to use the following Microsoft Office software at an advanced level.
- Improving Productivity Unit (Level 3) which is Mandatory
- Word Processing (Level 3)
- Presentation Software (Level 3)
- Databases Software (Level 2)
- Spreadsheet Software (Level 2)
It may be possible to complete Databases and Spreadsheets units at Level 3.
What Could This Course Lead To?
This qualification will improve your job prospects if you wish to work in an office environment in a role that requires advanced IT skills.
How Will I Learn?
- Learning will take place initially in a classroom environment and then online from your home using Birmingham Adult Education Services Virtual Learning Environment (VLE - Moodle) which is a secure online tool to support you with your studies. It has been designed to complement teaching and offers a flexible addition to studying with us. Various other tools like Microsoft Teams, Zoom & Padlet will be used to enhance teaching & learning.
- You will be able to access resources, engage in online activities, study independently, and participate in group discussions with your teacher. You will record your own progress and have your work checked regularly throughout the course. You will be assessed by an online test for each of the units.
- Once you are enrolled your teacher will provide you with an enrolment key and show you how to access the resource.
What Materials Or Equipment Will I Need To Provide?
You will need to have access at home to:
- A laptop, computer or a tablet which is connected to the internet
- Microsoft Office 365 which we will provide for free when you enrol on one of our courses
- Notepad and pen – you will need to take notes during the online sessions and a folder to store hand-outs and completed exercises
What We Require Of You As A Learner?
- Work at home will need to be completed punctually and sent to your tutor for marking
- You will need to ensure that you allow sufficient time for self-study and complete any homework set
- You will be expected to complete all end of unit exams and complete the full course
Useful Website(s)
- For more information about Birmingham Adult Education Service:
- The Chartered Institute for IT: